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Physical therapists are highly trained professionals who can help treat injuries of all kinds through physical therapy practices.

It’s important to speak with your doctor and physical therapist early on to determine the best course of action moving forward in order to reduce your pain and rehabilitate properly after an injury. Here are 5 examples of some of the services we offer our clients at Granite State Physical Therapy.

Granite State Physical Therapy - Sports Injuries

Sports-related Injuries

Sports injuries are a common reason people seek out physical therapy. While there are many different types of sports injuries, some of the most common include ankle sprains, hamstring strains, and ACL tears.

Physical therapists can help diagnose and treat these injuries, as well as provide guidance on prevention and treatment. It’s important athletes take proper measures to ensure their injuries are treated well for continued longevity within sports. If you’re suffering from sports-related injuries, our team at Granite State Physical Therapy can help.

Granite State Physical Therapy - ASTYM

ASTYM Treatment

ASTYM or Augmented Soft Tissue Manipulation is a form of physical therapy that can help with a variety of common injuries.

The therapist will use instruments to massage the affected area, which can help reduce inflammation and pain. ASTYM can also help improve range of motion and function by removing unwanted scar tissue that has formed.

Granite State Physical Therapy - Post Surgery Rehab

Post-Surgical Rehab

One of the most common reasons people seek out physical therapy is for post-surgical rehabilitation. After a surgery from an injury it’s commonplace for you to not have the same range of motion or feel weaker than you previously were.

Physical therapists can help you recover from surgery by reducing pain, improving range of motion, and increasing strength to the area that was affected. With professional help and discipline our team can get you back to where you need to be!

Granite State Physical Therapy - Work-Related Injuries

Work-related Injuries

At Granite State Physical Therapy, we see a lot of patients with work-related injuries. These are common injuries that can be caused by repetitive motions, poor posture, or lifting heavy objects.

We help our patients recover from these injuries by providing customized treatment plans that may include exercises, stretches, and massage. and more.

Granite State Physical Therapy - Orthopedics

General Orthopedics

At Granite State Physical Therapy, we provide a wide range of services to help our patients recover from injuries and get back to their lives.

joint pain from arthritis, bone fractures, back pain, carpal tunning syndrome, and major ligament tears are just a few of the general orthopedic issues we can help with.


If you’re looking to get started with a consultation, give our team a call, or send a message here!

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